What Would Happen If You Took Action Today to Change Your Life FOREVER?

Recently, during a group teleconference, we were talking about "The Secret" and how powerful it had been for each of us. At that time, I asked "I Wonder what would happen if we got together and watched the Secret every day for 30 Days?" That conversation quickly evolved into "The Secret Challenge".

I invite you to join us for "The Secret Challenge" today, by commiting the next 30 days. You WILL see major changes in the way you think, the way you view the world and the results you will experience in your life.

Can you do it, can you watch The Secret everyday for 30 Days? Of course you can. Join the Challenge today, you will have a support system to assist you in defeating any challenge you might have. All it takes is a decision. Only YOU have control of your future, so why not use the best tools available to assure your future is exactly what you really want.

Join The Challenge NOW

Dec 15, 2010

Find the right Exterminator in Carteret County NC

Find a Professional Exterminator in Carteret County NC. 

Finding a Professional and effective Exterminator can be challenging.  When to handle pest control yourself or when to hire a Pest Control (Exterminator) Professional are frequent questions I hear.  Carteret County pest control issues are unique since we are an oceanfront community and the pests we deal with are diffrent and act differntly than in other areas of NC.

There are many times that homeowners can handle their own pest control.  But just spraying bugs as you see them is absolutely not effective.  In coastal NC, we have the tiny black ants that seem to never leave.  Most residents try spraying with household pesticides, which only succeeds at scattering the ants.

Effective pest control involves not only spraying, but also baiting and trapping.

When hiring a professional exterminator, it is important to hire one that uses various methods or an Integrated Pest Management program, incorporating multiple methods to eliminate and control the pests.

I gladly help my web users to find professional exterminators in Carteret County.  These are professionals who are familiar with the unique pest situations we have here.

When hiring an exterminator, be sure to ask good questions about what you should expect as a result of their service, as well as clearly understanding what you are paying for.

Aug 3, 2009

The NEW and Improved Version of The Secret Challenge

The response is Phenomenal! I will be releasing the new version of The Secret Challenge within just 24 hours. And, this challenge will not require that you watch the movie everyday.

Instead, I am going to provide you with daily step by step instruction. Via Podcasts, video, email, newsletters... and more!

I am totally commited to your success, but YOU have to take the action so I can assist you.

Join NOW! You will gain immediate access to the new website which will start you in the process of changing your life FOREVER!

Jul 31, 2009

Taking "The Secret Challenge" to the Next Level

August is upon us and it is time to add rocket fuel to our goals and our results. The end of the year will be here soon and there is still plenty of time to accomplish everything you desire for 2009.

Yes, the economy is in the toilet, the news is grim and everyone says things are really bad. But, the good news is not just good, it is AWESOME!

Are you ready?

The good news is;

You CAN have everything you desire. It does not matter what appears to be happening or what other people think, or what anyone in the media has to say. Those people do not know you, YOU know you. And only you know the desires of your heart.

And the best part... You have the ability to have ANYTHING you desire. ANYTHING is possible because the possibilities are endless.

Learn how to have everything you want. Join me for a 30 day challenge to change your life forever!

Jul 9, 2009

How to Beat the Recession!

Just spend 5 minutes online or in front of the TV and you will hear tons of information on how to survive the Recession. I checked it out for myself and heard:

1) Protect your job
2) Work longer hours to earn more money
3) Re-work your mortgage
4) Refinance high interest credit cards
5) Reduce your spending
6) Negotiate everything, haggle over every purchase
7) Cut energy costs
And so on and so on.

This is rediculous! Every Tom, Dick and Harry out there is telling you how to save money and greatly reduce your standard of living!

So let me get straight to the point. Those of you who have been reading my work for years, KNOW this is NOT what I believe. If this all worked so well, how come everyone who reduces their standard of living does not get rich?

Why is it that the people with the greatest economic educations are usually the ones struggling the most to make ends meet? Why is it that everyone who starts a business does not get rich?

Because it's not about what you do, it's about how you do it. Cause while there are 99 ways to skin a cat, if you don't do it RIGHT -- whichever method you have chosen -- it won't bring RESULTS.

So what is the ONE right thing that you need to do to get rich?

Bob Proctor knows. And he wants to tell you that there is a science -- a formula -- to get rich. It's about doing certain things in a certain way. And this blueprint has been proven to make people rich for centuries.

So before you waste your time trying out 99 ways blindly, get this one formula that will transform your financial future. To learn more about the Science of Getting Rich - Click THIS LINK Now and get the information.

Isn't it time you learn how to Get Rich the Scientific Way?

Jan 5, 2009

What Can Happen for Each of Us in 30 Days?

Here it is, the 5th day of the first "Challenge" and for the first time in my life, I am at a loss for the words to express what I feel.

This challenge started out, primarily, as a test for myself, to see if I could be in Integrity to myself and my goals for a 30 day period. Well that is certainly happening, as the hundreds of people who are participating in the challenge are holding my feet to the fire.

But the exponential effects are overwhelming. As I said, hundreds of people are participating so far, in just the first 5 days, but everyone is having some amazing results already.

The emails, the feedback on the forum and the notes I am getting on Facebook are nothing short of "life changing". First of all, what a statement of community this is. People who do not know each other, coming together and becoming a powerful community.

Secondly, when you decide to make major changes, you must be with like minded people to make something powerful happen, and what a powerful group of people we have here!

I am truly inspired, as I know everyone is who is taking this "Life Changing Challenge".

Use the forum, and keep growing the strength of this community.

To your unstoppable success...

Jan 2, 2009

A Great Tool to Assist You

The Challenge is going extremely well and is really exciting. There are some great tools to assist us located at www.TheSecret.tv.

You can sign up for free and download tons of tips, support documents and learning tools. This is a great support to the challenge.

Jan 1, 2009

Day 2 of the Challenge is Underway

The response and feedback from Day 1 has been very good. A few things I feel important to comment on.

We are working on our goals right now, but it is important to not think about where we are, where we have been or how you are going to accomplish your goal.

Your goals are your"ultimate lifestyle", what your perfect lifestyle by the end of the year will be. It is important to think big. Think about the end result, the way your life will be when you accomplish your goals.

Let's say you are a sales representative and your goal is to increase your income, then your goal is the income, not the work it will take to create the income. For example, instead of having a goal to sell 100 more units this year, you are limiting yourself. Your goal should be xxx income. "I am so happy and grateful that it is Dec 31, 2009 and I have increased my income by $200,000".

Plus, as stated in the movie, it is not your job to tell the universe HOW you are going to achieve your goal. As long as you focus on your goal, the means to accomplish it may come from somewhere completely out of nowhere.

To our unstoppable success...

(if you need to contact me directly, just email me at wanda@abundantlifestylenow.com)

Dec 31, 2008

Happy New Year

And welcome to the 30 Day "The Secret Challenge". Over 100 People have joined us in this challenge. This is amazing and very exciting. Welcome to everyone of you.

I want to hear from each of you as we go through this process. It is important to be a participant, not an observer. If you are just observing, then you will continue to observe other people's success and not your own. So, get involved, get active, take each step of this challenge very seriously and commit TO YOURSELF to make 2009 the Best Year Ever.

Participants should have received the first daily instruction email by now. At this point, we are getting clear on our goals, what we are looking to create for 2009 and starting a 30 day process of changing our mindset from wanting to having. I would love to hear your comments, thoughts and what your "lists" contain at this point. It is important that we use this forum to participate and share with the group. This process can be more powerful by it being very interactive.

Feel free to ask questions, I will answer ASAP.

To OUR unstoppable success.

(To add your comments, simply click on "comments" below)

Dec 30, 2008

Preparing for the Challenge

Welcome to everyone who has signed up so far for this unique 30 day journey. My promise to you is "your life will never be the same if you take this challenge to heart and have the self integrity to change your future".

To prepare for the challenge, beginning in just 2 days:

1) pick up a copy of the movie "The Secret" either go to www.TheSecret.tv , your local movie store or even your library and get it now.

2) I believe this book will help you more than anything out there to carry through with the plan we are putting together. This is a new book by a new author, and it is AWESOME. I must say, it gave me a "slap in the face" about my own goals and actions. The book is "Integrity is Everything". And is available only at this link. (Please understand I do not make any income from the sale of this book)

The book is just a recommendation to assist you in progressing through our challenge and getting the most from it. It is not a required purchase, it is entirely up to you.

More info tomorrow as we prepare for January 1. In the meantime, have an unstoppable day!

Are You Ready? The Countdown has started!

Are you ready for 2009 to be the best year ever? Join our 30 day challenge, beginning January 1, 2009.

The countdown has begun...

Dec 18, 2008


We have had a tremendous amount of interest in this Challenge. The information, support materials and the program are all being developed.

Immediately after Christmas, all participants will begin receiving email advisories to get our challenge off to a great start.

Have a wonderful Christmas and I look forward to talking with each of you right after Christmas.

To Your Unstoppable Success...

Dec 17, 2008

What could happen in your life with 30 days of concentrated intention? What could happen if you and a group of like minded individuals set out to create some amazing and powerful results in their lives in just 30 days?

There is no limit! Do you understand what I just said? There is NO limit!

I welcome you to our challenge. We are a group of motivated Law of Attraction Practitioners who are beginning the ultimate challenge.

What Can We Change in Just 30 Days. Our challenge begins Jan 1, 2009 and will end Jan 31, 2009.

Each participant will have their own goals. This website will provide support and feedback. But the results will be individually tracked by the participants.

Here we will work together for the good of the group and every one who participates will learn, grow and benefit from the process.

Join us Today to be a part of this challenge. There is no cost and no obligation, only your commitment is required. To join our challenge, complete the form.

See you at the top!